
Energy efficiency.

Residential buildings waste energy due to inefficient appliances, poor insulation, old heating and cooling systems, and slow adoption of energy-efficient building codes.

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Commercial buildings waste energy because of inefficient HVAC systems, poor insulation, outdated lighting fixtures, and limited use of renewable energy sources.

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Agriculture wastes resources due to inefficient irrigation systems, reliance on fossil fuels for machinery, and limited use of renewable energy in farming practices.

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Data centers waste energy due to inefficient server utilization, outdated cooling systems, and limited use of renewable energy sources.

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Heavy manufacturing wastes energy due to aging equipment and machinery, reliance on fossil fuels, and limited adoption of energy-saving technologies.

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Circular economy.

The fashion and textiles industry wastes resources due to low recycling rates, limited use of sustainable materials, and rapid product turnover.

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The electronics industry struggles with recycling complex products, rapid technological obsolescence, and a lack of infrastructure for proper e-waste management.

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The plastics industry faces challenges such as low recycling rates, high production of virgin plastics, and inadequate recycling infrastructure.3.5

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Construction suffers from high demolition rates, a lack of materials reuse, and regulatory barriers hindering the recycling of construction waste.

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The food and agriculture sector grapples with high levels of food wastage, inefficient supply chains, and barriers to composting and bioenergy production.

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Water conservation.

Agriculture struggles with inefficient irrigation techniques, over-reliance on water-intensive crops, and limited adoption of water-saving technologies.

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Textile and apparel manufacturing faces challenges including the lack of water recycling and treatment facilities, chemical pollution of waterways, and limited adoption of eco-friendly production methods.

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Food processing grapples with inefficient water reuse systems, discharge of contaminated water, and limited implementation of water-saving technologies.

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Mining operations contribute to the contamination of groundwater and surface water, lack substantial recycling of process water, and rely heavily on freshwater sources in water-stressed regions.3.5

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Oil and gas extraction activities contribute to the contamination of water sources, excessive withdrawals from aquifers, and a lack of adoption of water recycling and treatment technologies.

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Green transportation.

The automotive industry faces challenges such as slow adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), insufficient charging infrastructure, and heavy reliance on fossil fuels.

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The aviation sector grapples with technological barriers to electric or hybrid aircraft, sluggish progress in sustainable aviation fuels, and a high carbon footprint per passenger.

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The shipping and maritime industry faces hurdles like slow adoption of cleaner fuels, limited implementation of emission-reducing technologies, and regulatory challenges.

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The logistics and freight sector struggles with a sluggish transition to electric or alternative fuel trucks, the necessity for improved logistics optimization, and overreliance on road transport.

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Public transportation faces hurdles such as funding constraints for upgrading fleets, infrastructure limitations, and slow policy implementation for greener options.

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Biodiversity protection.

Deforestation and logging result in the loss of habitat for countless species, disruption of ecosystems, and the decline of biodiversity hotspots.

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Mining operations lead to the destruction of habitats, contamination of water bodies, and disruption of ecosystems, particularly in sensitive areas like rainforests and wetlands.

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Agriculture contributes to habitat loss, soil degradation, and chemical pollution, resulting in a decline in biodiversity and loss of native species.

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Urban development causes the loss of natural habitats, displacement of wildlife, and disruption of ecological corridors essential for species movement.

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Fishing and aquaculture activities lead to the decline of fish populations, destruction of marine habitats like coral reefs and mangroves, and unintentional capture of non-target species known as bycatch.

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Work and economic growth.

Technological disruption presents challenges in workforce adaptation and skills development, resulting in unemployment and underemployment.

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Limited access to capital poses challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in obtaining financing, hindering business startups and expansion, which are crucial for job creation and economic growth.

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Technological disruption introduces challenges in workforce adaptation and skills development, contributing to unemployment and underemployment.

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Labor market inefficiencies, such as rigid labor laws, prevalence of informal employment, and limited labor mobility, hinder job creation and productivity, resulting in a less dynamic economy.

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Ensure the protection of labor rights and foster safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, with a particular focus on women migrants and those in precarious employment.

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Social inequality.

Economic disparities persist due to inequitable distribution of wealth, insufficient wages, and inadequate social support systems.

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Social and racial discrimination persists due to systemic biases, unequal opportunities, and prejudiced attitudes within society.

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Limited access to technology stems from disparities in infrastructure, high costs of technology, and a lack of digital literacy initiatives.

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Political representation gaps persist due to barriers to participation, insufficient representation quotas, and a lack of civic education, limiting marginalized groups' influence on policy decisions and access to resources.

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Inequities in the criminal justice system stem from biased policing practices, disparities in sentencing laws, and limited access to rehabilitation programs, perpetuating injustices within the system.

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Quality of education.

Access to quality education is restricted, limiting opportunities for learning and development, perpetuating educational inequalities, and reinforcing socioeconomic disparities.

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Barriers to enrollment, such as poverty, disability, gender discrimination, child labor, and cultural norms, hinder children from attending school, denying them access to education and opportunities for development.

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Teacher shortages and quality issues stem from an insufficient number of qualified educators, especially in remote and disadvantaged areas, coupled with a lack of training and support for teachers, impacting the quality of education provided.

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The lack of special needs education results from inadequate support and resources for students with disabilities, learning difficulties, or special needs, hindering their educational opportunities and development.

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Inadequate funding and resource allocation in education result from insufficient investment, unequal distribution of resources, and budget constraints, hampering the provision of quality education for all students.

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Health and wellness.

Limited access to healthcare services is exacerbated by geographic barriers, inadequate infrastructure, and shortages of healthcare professionals, particularly in rural and underserved areas, impeding people's ability to obtain essential medical care.3.5

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Healthcare affordability challenges arise from high out-of-pocket costs, lack of health insurance coverage, and financial barriers that hinder access to essential healthcare services for many individuals.

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The inequitable distribution of healthcare resources results from disparities in the allocation of healthcare facilities, medical equipment, and medications, leading to inequalities in healthcare quality and accessibility among different populations.

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Shortages of skilled healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and specialists, particularly in low-resource settings, contribute to gaps in healthcare delivery and hinder access to essential medical services.

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The lack of preventive care and health promotion stems from limited emphasis on health education, promotion of healthy behaviors, and preventive measures, resulting in higher rates of preventable diseases and health conditions within communities.

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Healthcare infrastructure deficiencies manifest in inadequate healthcare facilities, outdated medical equipment, and a lack of technology infrastructure for telemedicine and digital health services, impeding access to quality healthcare and hindering the adoption of innovative healthcare solutions.

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Health information fragmentation results from a lack of interoperable health information systems, fragmented medical records, and limited access to comprehensive patient data across healthcare settings, impeding efficient care coordination and decision-making processes within the healthcare system.

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Healthcare governance and policy challenges stem from weak regulatory oversight, inadequate governance structures, and insufficient policy frameworks for healthcare delivery and financing, hindering the effective management and improvement of healthcare systems.3.5

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The resilience and preparedness of healthcare systems refer to their ability to withstand and respond to shocks and crises, such as pandemics, natural disasters, and health emergencies, highlighting vulnerabilities that may impact healthcare delivery and public health outcomes.

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Healthcare quality and safety concerns arise from variations in healthcare quality, patient safety incidents, and medical errors, often attributed to the lack of standardized protocols, inadequate training, and accountability mechanisms within healthcare systems.3.5

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Sustainable cities and communities

Urbanization and population growth entail rapid expansion of urban areas and increased demand for infrastructure, housing, and services to accommodate growing populations, posing significant challenges for sustainable development and resource management.3.5

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Inadequate infrastructure is characterized by insufficient transportation networks, inadequate water and sanitation systems, and deficient waste management facilities.3.5

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The lack of affordable housing is characterized by a shortage of affordable housing options, escalating property prices, and the prevalence of informal settlements.

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Social inequality and exclusion manifest as disparities in access to basic services, employment opportunities, and social amenities among different segments of society.3.5

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Climate change vulnerability refers to heightened exposure to extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and heatwaves, stemming from the impacts of climate change.3.5

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Water and sanitation issues encompass limited access to clean water, inadequate sanitation facilities, and water scarcity, impacting public health and well-being.

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Unsafe urban environments are characterized by fear of crime, social instability, and reduced quality of life, hindering community development and resilience efforts.

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Governance and planning challenges arise from ineffective urban planning, weak governance structures, and insufficient stakeholder engagement, hindering sustainable urban development and effective governance practices.

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Poverty and hunger

Lack of access to basic services refers to limited availability of healthcare, education, clean water, and sanitation facilities, especially in rural and marginalized communities, exacerbating inequalities and hindering development.

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Income inequality, often referred to as a "safety net," encompasses disparities in income distribution, lack of economic opportunities, and unequal access to resources, highlighting systemic challenges that perpetuate social and economic disparities.3.5

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Food insecurity refers to insufficient access to nutritious and affordable food, particularly among vulnerable populations, leading to hunger and malnutrition.

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Conflict and instability encompass armed conflict, political instability, and the displacement of populations due to violence and persecution, disrupting communities and threatening human security.

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Climate change and natural disasters entail the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and storms, posing significant challenges to communities and ecosystems.

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Peace, justice and institutions.

Conflict and violence arise from unresolved tensions and disputes, requiring investment in conflict prevention, peacebuilding, and mediation to address root causes and build sustainable peace.

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Weak governance and corruption stem from a lack of transparency, accountability, and integrity in public institutions, compounded by widespread corruption and nepotism.

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Human rights violations involve breaches such as arbitrary detention, torture, discrimination, and restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly.

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Impunity and lack of accountability result from the failure to hold perpetrators of human rights abuses, corruption, and crimes against humanity accountable for their actions.4o

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Inadequate legal frameworks are characterized by weak or outdated laws, lack of access to justice, and limited enforcement of existing laws and regulations.

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Transnational crime and terrorism involve crime networks, illicit trafficking, and terrorist organizations operating across borders, posing significant threats to global security and stability.

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Weak civil society and media freedom are marked by restrictions on civil society organizations, independent media, and freedom of expression, undermining democratic processes and accountability.

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Corruption and bribery involve widespread practices of bribery, embezzlement of public funds, and other corrupt activities by government officials, business executives, and individuals in positions of power.

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Lack of accountability and oversight is due to weak institutional frameworks, inadequate regulatory enforcement, and a lack of transparency in decision-making processes.

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Opaque corporate practices involve a lack of transparency in corporate governance, financial reporting, and supply chain management, obscuring business operations and accountability.4o

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Insufficient whistleblower protection involves limited legal safeguards and support for individuals who expose corruption and wrongdoing, discouraging whistleblowers from coming forward and undermining efforts to combat misconduct.

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A culture of impunity and acceptance manifests as tolerance of corruption, normalization of unethical behavior, and a lack of social stigma against corrupt practices, perpetuating a cycle of misconduct and undermining efforts to combat corruption.

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Weak enforcement and judicial independence are characterized by inadequate resources for law enforcement agencies, politicization of the judiciary, and a lack of independence in judicial decision-making, undermining the rule of law and the administration of justice.

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Corporate secrecy and offshore tax havens involve the use of offshore jurisdictions, shell companies, and complex corporate structures to conceal ownership and evade taxes, undermining transparency and accountability in financial transactions.

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Unethical sourcing.

Labor exploitation encompasses exploitative practices such as child labor, forced labor, and unsafe working conditions, which are prevalent in supply chains, particularly in developing countries, exploiting vulnerable workers and violating human rights.

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Lack of transparency in supply chains refers to the absence of clear visibility and traceability in sourcing practices, labor conditions, and environmental impact, posing challenges in ensuring ethical and sustainable business practices.

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Certification challenges include complex processes, high costs, and limited accessibility to certification schemes for smallholder farmers and marginalized producers, hindering their ability to adhere to sustainability standards and access premium markets.

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Limited consumer awareness encompasses low knowledge about ethical sourcing, fair trade, and sustainable consumption practices, resulting in limited demand for ethically produced goods and hindering market incentives for sustainable business practices.

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Privacy and AI safety.

Weak data protection regulations involve inadequate privacy laws, loopholes in data protection regulations, and insufficient enforcement mechanisms, leaving individuals vulnerable to privacy breaches and data misuse.

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Surveillance and mass data collection entail government surveillance programs, mass data collection by tech companies, and intrusive data tracking practices, raising concerns about privacy infringement and civil liberties.

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Identity theft and fraud encompass the theft of personal information, identity fraud, and phishing scams targeting individuals and businesses, resulting in financial losses and reputational damage.

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Social engineering and phishing involve manipulative tactics aimed at deceiving individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords and financial details, through fraudulent means.

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Lack of user awareness and education encompasses limited understanding of online privacy risks, inadequate digital literacy, and a lack of awareness about data protection measures, leaving individuals vulnerable to online threats and privacy breaches.

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Everything you need to know about participating in a community activities.

Who can participate?

The challenge welcomes participants from all countries and skill levels, making it ideal for students and career switchers. Whether you're an entry-level individual with no experience or a seasoned professional seeking to broaden your expertise, this challenge suits your needs. We encourage diverse backgrounds, including scientists, designers, engineers, analysts, policy makers, community leaders, PR experts, economists, marketers, educators, and other professionals.

Is there a participation fee?

No. It’s free for all participants.

How to get started?

  1. Create an account.
  2. Choose a challenge you would like to work on.
  3. Follow guides to solve the problem (solo or in a team).
  4. Submit your solution.
  5. Get the feedback from sustainability experts and results at the beginning of the each month.

Is there any deadlines?

You can submit your case at any point. The challenge results will be announced in the first few days of each month on the winners' page.

Can I participate as part of a team?

Yes, participants can submit the case as a team. There is no maximum number of team members, but we recommend up to five members.

How to obtain assistance from mentors?

You can find available mentors under the Connect page in your account. Mentor help is optional and not required to participate in the challenge.

Who will be evaluating submissions?

Submissions will be evaluated by the Jury panel, which will assess cases based on Innovation, quality of work and potential Impact.

Are there any awards for the winners?

The best cases will be published on the winners' page, and the team will receive prizes from our sponsors.

Can participants apply multiple times?

Yes, participants can submit multiple cases, either solo or as part of a team.

What happens after the challenge?

All participants maintain access to community chats, mentors, and network.

Join our community

Join our challenge and turn your ideas into impactful solutions! Collaborate with experts, develop crucial skills, and tackle real-world problems. Your creativity could be the key to driving sustainable change.